Deserve to Win (Ep. 24)-- MEF Sexism and Locke Lord Duo Wins Big Section 230 Case

Just a couple of weeks ago we had decided to be the bigger people and move on following Mobile Ecosystem Forum's ridiculous--and likely sexist--conduct directed at Puja.Protests had broken out and MEF scrambled to announce the addition of new (lady) board members and a new chairman seemingly in direct response to the outcry. But then the new Chairman Robert Gerstmann, Chief Evangelist & Co-Founder at Sinch, sent around an email to MEF's members disclaiming any connection and suggesting Puja was a liar.Absolutely stunning. Terrible crisis management. Interestingly, we had recorded this 24th episode of Deserve to Win the day before the protests and after MEF looked like it had cleaned up its act we were going to record a new episode. Indeed we were set to record the day before Robert's email was sent around. But since MEF has demonstrated a COMPLETE COMMITMENT to standing behind Dario Betti's DISGUTING behavior it is clear to me the organization is rotted beyond repair. MEF's smiling male male board members will grace the cover of a very special Deserve to Win magazine Woman's History Month Edition-- expected to hit mailboxes this month--but before that happens we air this special edition of Deserve to Win podcast in which we discuss the background and weigh in on MEF's BLATANT sexism. Again this was all recorded BEFORE Robert doubled down on it in such stunning fashion.The issue is so big we bring in Phonexa CEO Lilt Davtyan to help us break this down--and her discussion about the need for HUMILITY is really very important for Robert and the rest of the arrogant gang over at MEF to understand. I suspect they have a nice big pile of Humble Pie headed their direction. Two guys who DO NOT need humble pie, however, are Tom Cunningham and Mike McMorrow of Locke Lord. These two incredibly talented litigators join the show to discuss their massive Section 230 win against the FTC on behalf of Stratics Network.The win allows carriers and platforms that do not dictate the content of messages but merely allow users to send messages to phone numbers to avoid liability as a interactive computer systems who are protected from liability by the "law that built the internet." MASSIVE win that might re-set the clock on recent rulings and regulations purporting to hold carriers and platforms liable for the potentially illegal acts of their users. This is the first time Deserve to Win has featured defense-side lawyers from another law firm but given how big this win was we had to bring them on. Enjoy!

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