TCPAWorld Crew Chats Wiretapping and CIPA with Josh Swigart!

Plaintiff's lawyer Josh Swigart was one of the original TCPA class action filers and an early pioneer in TCPA litigation on the Plaintiff's side. He has now moved on to focus primarily on WIRETAPPING laws that prevent the recording and use of consumer data transmitted during internet web sessions.In this GREAT interview, the Czar and Josh chuckle about the good old days and discuss the history of important TCPA rulings like Marks v. Crunch, and Duguid v. Facebook. But then they look to the future and discuss the incredibly dangerous California Invasion of Privacy Act and other state law wiretapping acts.Before the interview, Puja Amin (Queenie), PJ (Wizard), Brittany Andres (Baroness) Tori Guidy (Dame) and the Czar break down the world of CIPA and state wiretap laws. At $5,000.00 PER VIOLATION these laws can trigger massive exposure--perhaps entering into the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in liability. Really wild stuff.

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