Deserve to Win Ep 8 (Full Episode): Talking Reassigned Numbers with RND Director Beth Sprague!

So what is the reassigned numbers database and how can it help folks avoid TCPA suits?In our 8th episode of the INCREDIBLE Deserve to Win podcast the team sits down with Beth Sprague, the director of the reassigned numbers database, so talk about the importance of the database and how it can help people avoid TCPA liability.The RND is an OFFICIAL government database, the official use of which affords a safeharbor to callers. The TCPA poses a MASSIVE and UNFAIR risk on callers who inadvertently call the wrong number. When a customer provides a number the caller can only rely on that number so long as the customer keeps it. If the customer changes numbers without telling the business the business might be liable for wrong number calls that follow. More importantly, clever lawyers--like Mike Greenwald--can then sue the business in a class action and seek billions in damages for an INNOCENT mistake.While that is awful, the RND allows callers to avoid the risks posed by wrong number calling--and prevent calling the new owners of phones.Before we get to the interview we break down all the most recent TCPA news--including the FCC's decision to regulate RVM technology, and HUGE recent rulings out of the Ninth Circuit.If the TCPA is important to you than you MUST watch this latest episode!

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